Top 10 Hypoallergenic Dogs
Hypoallergenic dogs have been top-of-the-charts for aspiring dog owners for quite a while. And why not? These dogs are low on shedding (which means your couch isn’t covered in fur) and low on dander (what people are allergic to).
This Top 10 list is in no specific order, as everyone has their own household requirements of dog size, and how much grooming they wish to put in.
The purebred dog breeds tend to need slightly more grooming put in, typically daily brushing. If you make grooming a part of your daily routine, however (ie. Groom the dog before taking your morning shower), it shouldn’t be that much of an issue and can take as little as 5 minutes. Skipping multiple grooming sessions in a row on any dog will cause mats to form, which may require a much longer (potentially painful for your dog) grooming session or even professional grooming help.
On the other hand, designer mixes tend to need less grooming, but have a bigger range of size and life expectancy. It is hard to tell whether the pup will take after the mom or dad more until they are fully grown. Some people are okay with that, as this list does not go over 20 lbs. Others may want a dog under 15 lbs, which cannot be guaranteed with any of the mixed breeds.
As far as health issues go, there is no difference between the health issues of a purebred dog and a designer mix dog. There were hardly any health issues that we found that did not apply to most dogs. We picked out the most possible health issues, however most of these issues will most likely occur once the dog is old. None of the issues listed are 100% fatal and most are simply uncomfortable. Severe cases may involve surgery, but mild cases are simply a lifestyle adjustment.
Smaller dogs like these don’t need too much exercise, a simple walk or two a day will suffice.
Everyone likes to ask about temperament and children when asking us about puppies. And they have a good reason to! No one wants to get a puppy that will eventually bite their child. For most pups, it is generally recommended for older children only, or children that are generally mild-mannered. If you are still looking into one of those dogs for your small child, make sure they understand that they cannot run around the dog, or pick the dog up if they are not sitting on the ground. They must be calm around the dog to prevent being bitten, as well. Pay close attention during any interactions between your small child and your dog to prevent any damage that might be done to the dog by your child, or vice versa.

Size: under 7lbs
Life expectancy: 12-15 years
Grooming: daily brushing/combing, bath every 2 weeks and professional grooming every 4-6 weeks for a short cut.
Health issues: luxating patella and PDA (patent ductus arteriosus, a heart disease)
Exercise: short, 20 min walk/day
Temperament: Gentle, playful
Children: recommended for families with older children, as they tend to become intolerant of small children and may snap, as well as their small size makes them susceptible to being dropped

Size: 9-16 lbs
Life expectancy: 10-18 years
Grooming: daily brushing/combing (don’t forget the mustache), daily wiping of eyes, bath every 3-4 weeks, professional grooming about every 6 weeks.
Health issues: hip dysplasia, luxating patella, and various eye anomalies.
Exercise: short, 20 min walk/day
Temperament: Affectionate, Playful, Outgoing
Children: Great for all children! Don’t allow small children to pick up while standing.

Size: 7-8 lbs
Life expectancy: 11-15 years
Grooming: Brush daily, wipe eyes daily, bathe weekly, professional groom about once a month.
Health issues: various eye anomalies and luxating patella
Exercise: Short, 20 min walk 2x/day
Temperament: Affectionate, Hyper, Bossy
Children: Best with older kids, who are more laid back. Otherwise, their personalities may clash.

Size: 12-18 lbs
Life expectancy: 14-15 years
Grooming: Comb and wipe eyes 2-3 times/week, professional grooming every 4-6 weeks.
Health issues: Hip dysplasia, luxating patella, various eye anomalies
Exercise: Prefer short bursts of frequent play sessions, but a short walk 1x a day is also encouraged.
Temperament: Playful, Curious, Peppy
Children: This dog is one of the bests for your kid’s first dog. They are not known to bark or bite and are fairly mild-tempered.

Mini Poodle
Size: 10-15 lbs
Life expectancy: 10-18 years
Grooming: professional grooming every 4-6 weeks
Health issues: Hip dysplasia, luxating patella, various eye anomalies
Exercise: Long walks or jogs at least 1x/day in addition to playing fetch. They also love to swim!
Temperament: Active, Proud, Smart
Children: Mini poodles specifically are not patient with children and are not recommended for families with children.

Size: 10-18 lbs
Life expectancy: 12-15 years
Grooming: professional grooming every 4-6 weeks, comb and wipe eyes 2-3 times/week.
Health issues: Hip dysplasia, luxating patella, various eye anomalies
Exercise: short, 20 min walks 2x/week
Temperament: Feisty, Affectionate, Loyal
Children: prefer families with older children

Teddy Bear (Shih-Tzu/Bichon)
Size: 9-18 lbs
Life expectancy: 12-16 years
Grooming: Combing 2-3 times/week, daily eye wiping, professional grooming every 4-6 weeks
Health issues: Hip dysplasia, luxating patella, various eye anomalies
Exercise: short, 20 min walk
Temperament: Laid back, playful, affectionate
Children: Because they are so laid back, teddy bears do very well in homes with children.

Size: 5-15 lbs
Lifespan: 12-15 years
Grooming: brushing/combing 2-3 times/week, bath every 2 weeks and professional grooming every 4-6 weeks.
Health issues: hip dysplasia, luxating patella, various eye anomalies, PDA (patent ductus arteriosus, a heart disease)
Exercise: short, 20 min walk 2x/day
Temperament: Playful, Friendly, Affectionate
Children: prefer families with older children

Size: 7-16 lbs
Lifespan: 11-15 years
Grooming: Brush daily, wipe eyes daily, bathe every 2 weeks, professional groom about once a month.
Health issues: various eye anomalies and luxating patella
Exercise: short, 20 min walk
Temperament: Loving, affectionate, clingy
Children: prefer families with older children

Size: 7-13 lbs
Lifespan: 10-14 years
Grooming: Brush 2-3x/week, bathe every other week, professional grooming every 4-6 weeks.
Health issues: hip dysplasia, luxating patella, various eye anomalies
Exercise: short, 20 min walk
Temperament: Playful, Affectionate, Spirited
Children: prefer families with older children